Universal Data Connect
Jasper Colin's universal data connect embeds multiple sources to reach out to your customers and revealunbiased and authentic stories.
Proprietory Data
with Highest Depth & Breadth
Uncover the truths about the market directly from the people most adept in that expertise
Hard-To-Reach Audiences
with Highest Response Rates
No matter where your target audience is and how complex their profile is, we deliver their voices to you.
Automated Data
Intelligence Process
World-class research solutions delivered through smart technologies enabling transparency and nimbleness.
Stories Suplemented With
Deep Industry Knowledge & Data Mining
Extract value from multi-dimensional structured and unstructured data sources
Government data, Online Journals
Social Media
Search, User
generated content
Filings and Transcripts
Client Internal
Data to
Web Scraping
News, Opinions
,Scientific articles and syndicated reports
Fast, Accurate and
Credible Data
Leading to Better
Get Granular, Faster and Reliable Insights
See the unseen with a lens of granularity and clarity -leading to a dependable output
Get pre-vetted insights through best-in-class quality checks
Better sampling and systematic quality check process gives zero-error data leading to robust data analysis
Make good decisions from data, with the right insights
Engaging into insight analysis with reliable data points can lead to better problem solving